Homeward bound

Today at 12:45pm PST I fly from San Francisco to Newark, and arrive at home in NJ around 10pm.  Interestingly enough, my friend from my hometown, Matt Pagano, is coming in from China on the same day, and he is taking the same flight home with me.  Purely coincidence.  How awesome is that?

On Sunday I will be going to NYC to try to meet up with people.  This means you!

On Monday I will pack.

On Tuesday I return to Swarthmore, to act in the freshman orientation play.  We get like 10 days to rehearse, which is kind of crazy.

And then school bloody starts, and FreeCulture.org kicks some ass!

4 thoughts on “Homeward bound

  1. I’m leaving St. Louis tomorrow to go on a road trip with my dad and my brother to Philadelphia. I think I’ll be in the city by late Monday or early Tuesday!

  2. The freshman orientation play — is that the one with lots of short scenes about living with roommates and sexiling and stuff like that? What parts are you playing?

    • Yes, that’s the play 🙂 I don’t know what the parts are, they don’t give us the script until we arrive, and then we get to edit it and play with it a bit, so it’s not quite final. I guess it’s easier to figure out who fits what part when we are all there together.

  3. Hey, I’ll be back Monday or Tuesday too since I’m helping run the diversity workshops — See you around and you’re always welcome to drop by in ML! Hope you had a great summer.

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