Speaking in Wisconsin on Saturday, Georgetown a week from today

I’ll be delivering the keynote speech for the Culture of Sharing symposium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this Saturday, April 12, 2008. The event as a whole runs 3-6pm, with a “how to start a Students for Free Culture chapter” workshop 6-7pm, but if you just want to see my speech that’s at 3:15-4:00pm. You should stay for the whole thing though, because I’ll be running a breakout session on “Open source: sharing programming solutions”, and that will be fun too 😉

I’ll also be speaking for Georgetown Free Culture at Georgetown University in Washington DC on Weds, April 16, and for Free Culture at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia on Weds, April 23 (Students for Free Culture’s birthday). I’ll post more details here when I get them.

UPDATE: My Georgetown talk will be at 7:15p in Healy 103 on Weds, April 16. To get there, you can take the Orange line to Rosslyn and then take the “GUTS” bus to campus (http://otm.georgetown.edu/guts/index.cfm?fuse=ross) or a cab to 37th and O St.

My dream tool for legal research

Imagine that you find a case which is perfect for your legal argument, but it is unfortunately from the wrong jurisdiction. Wouldn’t it be excellent if you could just go to Westlaw or whatever legal database and hit a button “find cases with similar results / arguments [in X jurisdiction]”? Obviously sometimes, perhaps even frequently, there won’t be any cases that were decided similarly for similar reasons, but if there were, wouldn’t it be nice to find out right away?

Today, you can look up cases with similar subject matter using the headnotes / keycites at the beginning of the case in e.g. Westlaw, but that says little/nothing about the result or legal arguments used. Obviously in most cases you want to find cases that both support and oppose your argument, but hey.

In other news, I really wish there were a “Google Law” type legal database, completely open and freely available to the public and with normal web search engine features + syntax, i.e. something that any regular web user could immediately use. I think I raised this idea with my friends once and they said it wouldn’t be good for our job security if just anyone could look up the law for themselves… then what would they need lawyers for? Upon further consideration and after chatting with uncleamos, I don’t think that’s true though… although people are increasingly able to do medical research online for themselves, that doesn’t mean they are less likely to seek medical treatment from a doctor. Simply having information isn’t good enough, you also need the expertise to use it, whether on the operating table or in the courtroom. It’s just empowering to have some idea of what your hired professional is doing for you instead of being totally clueless.

Songbird’s main inadequacy: lack of party shuffle

Songbird mascot

I have come to really like Songbird, the open source media player built on Mozilla technology. Its integrated web browser has lots of interesting potential applications, and makes installing extensions drop dead easy (unlike Thunderbird, boo). Songbird clued me in to the excellent music search engine SkreemR, which integrates very nicely into Songbird. Given the current extremely bloated state of iTunes, and how iTunes hogs all of my RAM if I leave Coverflow on, Songbird is less taxing on my system resources and manages to feel lightweight, even if it may not really be that lightweight in absolute terms. It’s cross-platform, it’s free software, it’s easily extensible… what’s not to like?

It doesn’t have Party Shuffle, that’s what, and there is no extension that implements this seemingly simple feature. Why not? I’ve come to really love Party Shuffle in iTunes… for those few bizarre people who have never used iTunes, Party Shuffle is a playlist auto-filled with random songs from your library, and after each song is played it is forgotten after a certain number of further songs are played (default is 5) to make room for new songs on the playlist. You can drag songs from your library to add to this random playlist, so you can easily mix randomness and non-randomness, e.g. you want to hear a couple songs right now but you want to return to shuffle play after that.

It may seem like a small feature, and it’s not one that I use all the time, but I do use it very frequently and it’s one of a very few things that Songbird does not do which iTunes does that makes me switch back to iTunes periodically no matter how much I enjoy Songbird. If this isn’t going to be implemented in the core Songbird product, someone needs to write an extension which provides that functionality right now! The Now Playing List extension seems like it could easily act as a Party Shuffle extension if it would just let you turn on some sort of progressive random auto-fill function or something… but it doesn’t have that feature. Alas.

P.S. The other main feature that keeps me switching back to iTunes is, sadly, the iTunes library. It’s really handy to be able to just double-click on a song on e.g. my external hard drive and have a copy of the song immediately placed into my iTunes library folder, rather than moving it to my laptop’s hard drive myself and having to figure out where to put it, etc. To get new music into my collection, I find myself going into iTunes and adding the music there, and then just re-importing the iTunes library into Songbird. I feel kind of stupid doing this, but there it is.

UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, there is now a Songbird PartyShuffle extension. Ask, and ye shall receive! It’s not quite as pretty as iTunes’s implementation yet, but it’s quite functional. I’m lovin’ it! One problem is that it’s basically a playlist that refreshes itself with new songs when you reach the end of the playlist, and this function breaks if you have “repeat” turned on because it’ll go back to the beginning of the playlist without triggering the refresh. I’m sure these and other bugs will get worked out eventually, though, and in the meantime it works.

Comcast cable internet sucks

Forget about Comcast’s evil internet throttling policies and how they’re destroying net neutrality. Sure, it’s annoying when I’m trying to use Bittorrent to e.g. download the latest version of Ubuntu, but it’s not ruining my life on a daily basis. I’d be willing to let their sins against free culture slide if they would just provide a decent internet connection.

Unfortunately, they don’t. Comcast cable internet is atrocious, slow and unreliable. The only thing I can say in Comcast’s favor is that once I manage to get a download going, it usually goes quickly, peaking around 300 kb/s. That positive is more than outweighed by the negatives, however. I can’t upload anything faster than 40 kb/s on my Comcast cable connection, which is unacceptably slow when I’m trying upload my photos to Flickr, or send copies of songs I’m working on with my band to other band members, or share home movies with my friends. My ping is disgusting: I frequently have to give up on playing online games like Quake 3 / Open Arena because I’m lagging out with a ping of 999 or above. Frequently webpages will take 10-15 seconds to load, and I’m suddenly overcome with nostalgia for my dialup connection. I bet I could get better internet through my cellphone.

Everyone in my apartment complex hates Comcast so much that they’re planning on ripping out all the walls and installing Verizon FIOS. They may have it done by the fall semester, so assuming I renew my lease on this apartment that’ll make me really happy.

I know that ISPs are a monopoly in most parts of the country, but if you can possibly avoid it, *do not* buy Comcast cable internet. I’d even go so far as to select a house/apartment in a part of town that is not served by Comcast cable, if it comes down to that, and you value having a good internet connection. Boycott Comcast cable, not just for net neutrality’s sake, but for your own sanity.

My Creative Commons-licensed photo appears in a Science article

Bill Clinton reaches for something to sign Here’s a nice demonstration of the power of releasing your photos under a Creative Commons license… a photograph of Bill Clinton that I once took is now featured in this month’s Science magazine!

The fellow who wrote the paper was nice enough to let me know about my picture appearing in Science, writing me to say “Hello – I am writing because you kindly granted permission for your photography to be used in a paper submitted to the journal Science.” Yesss! He understood that permission had already been granted 🙂 Too frequently people e-mail me asking permission to use my photographs and such, when the whole point of the CC license was so they could use it without wasting my time, so long as they follow my license terms. Of course in this case he probably didn’t need to use Creative Commons-licensed photos, I’d say he has a pretty good case for fair use here, publishing part of a picture in an academic journal. But hey, whatever.

Check out this nice summary of the article and see how we can teach a computer to recognize Bill Clinton’s face!

P.S. Thanks to Elsa for mentioning the article to me too… it’s always good to know that even if the author had neglected to inform me, my friends would have kept me up to date 🙂

Saturday in Philadelphia – SPARC forum on students and open access

If any of you will be in the Philadelphia area this weekend, I’m speaking at a librarian conference in Philadelphia on Saturday Jan 12: Working with the Facebook Generation: Engaging Student Views on Access to Scholarship. It will take place at the Philadelphia Convention Center (map) 4-6pm, which is really close to the Market East station if you take Septa into Philly. It would be lovely to see some Swatties there!

At any rate, I’ll be in Philadelphia Friday night the 11th through Sunday evening the 13th, so ping me if you want to hang out ^_^

How hacking Linux is like building sandcastles

OK, I don’t mind hacking stuff to make it work, but once I hack it, it should *stay hacked*!

I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 “Fiesty Fawn” on my Macbook Pro… I am currently dual booting OS X and Ubuntu, and I intend to triple boot Win XP as well eventually.

This weekend, I spent about 2 hours making my NVIDIA video card and my sound card work, and it worked and I was happy and pleased with myself. Today I boot back into Ubuntu and, surprise, neither video nor sound is working! What changed? I used these instructions from this thread to make my NVIDIA card work again… I got pretty clear error messages from X11 when starting up, so it was easy to search teh interwebs for a solution. However, I have no idea what is wrong with my ALSA drivers and I don’t have time to go find someone in IRC to help me right now. It’s hard to fix a problem when you don’t know what the problem is!

Dropping to the command line to fix things is OK, having to fix the same things repeatedly is not. Hopefully the next version of Ubuntu which is due out next month will make everything better…. it is a little unfair to expect Ubuntu to support the hardware on my 3rd generation Macbook Pro out of the box since the version of Ubuntu I’m using was released before my laptop was released.

New cellphone

Since I couldn’t make up my mind about cellphone plans, my parents just renewed with AT&T (yes, kinda evil, oops).  The upside is that they sent me a new phone to replace my old broken phone, so I am now once again able to receive phone calls after a couple weeks of phonelessness. (Sorry if I missed your call!)

My new cellphone is a Nokia 6126, which is a pretty decent phone… it’s a clamshell design with bluetooth and speakerphone, and it was cheap, and that’s all I really wanted. Annoyingly, the Nokia 6126 is not officially supported by iSync on Mac OS X! There isn’t even an iSync plugin that you can download from Nokia, although there are plugins for plenty of other Nokia phones on the Nokia website. Ultimately I had to go and hack iSync’s config files by hand, pasting in some gibberish from these directions for making the Nokia 6126 work with iSync.  I’m sorry, Apple, but that’s really lame.  I’m using a Mac because I want it to just work… if I have to go copying and pasting gibberish from blogs / bulletin boards into my config files in order to get things done on my computer, then I might as well be using Linux.  (Incidentally, I’ve had some success with dual-booting Ubuntu on my new Macbook Pro, but I screwed it up by attempting to update to the latest alpha release.  Oops, time to wipe and re-install.)

My next phone will probably be the OpenMoko Neo 1973, which is kind of like the iPhone except it runs on Linux / open source software, and is designed to be friendly to hardware/software hackers who want to play around with its insides. The consumer model is due out in October, so I’ll be saving up for that… it’ll have wifi and GPS built-in, which makes up for the initial version not having 3G (same problem the iPhone currently has).

Where I’ve been

If I seem to have dropped off the map for the past two weeks, it’s been because I was (1) at iSummit ’07 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and (2) sick with a fever for a few days after arriving home. I feel much better now, but boy do I have a lot to catch up on.