Moving to DC

Tomorrow afternoon I am moving into my apartment in Arlington, VA, right next to George Mason Law where I am going to law school. I’ve lost track of where everyone is this time of year, but if you will be near DC, I could really use some help moving in! I have to get everything into my apartment between noon and 4pm on Friday, because that’s when I have to stop using the elevator for moving furniture etc.

(Incidentally, if you know someone who would like a nice apartment 0.3 miles from GMU Law and right next to a metro station, hook us up! I need a roommate.)

Playing trailer tetris
The Uhaul trailer after we’ve finished with it

My dad collapses
My dad requests that in the future I build robots or engineer superchimps to do the moving for us

3 thoughts on “Moving to DC

    • No problem, I seemed to have survived moving in 🙂 We should definitely hang out at some point! Maybe even this weekend?

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