Thank goodness it’s over

Well, all of my coursework is done for Swarthmore. As far as I know, all I have to do is take my oral exam next semester and I will have completed all of the requirements for graduation. Swarthmore, it’s been fun, but good riddance.

When I wake up today, I’m running down to Brian’s house for a Wrong Side Of Dawn business meeting / practice. We are recording an album the first week of January, and we have a lot of things to sort out, such as exactly what days we are recording.

On December 27, I’m going with Adam to see Thursday‘s holiday show in NYC’s at the Starland Ballroom in central NJ. I’ve seen and enjoyed Thursday before at Warped Tour back in the day, but I’m told that this holiday show will be extra intense. It’s been forever since I’ve been to a punk concert, and although Rainer Maria was sincerely awesome and fun to dance to, they don’t count as punk. If I don’t see a moshpit or crowd-surfing I’ll be disappointed (although I will also be pleased to emerge with all of my limbs intact).

I also have to clean my room and such in preparation for the holidays and Karen’s visit in early January.

Perhaps most importantly, I have to figure out what I’m doing with this semester off before I start law school next fall (almost certainly at George Mason Law in Arlingon). Any crazy ideas?

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