Come see me speak at UPenn on Monday night

A poster for my talk, featuring my faceI’ll be coming out of hiding briefly to speak at the University of Pennsylvania on Monday night. I’ve updated the graphics for my presentation a bit with Karen’s help (thanks for drawing pretty things for me, Karen!), so it will be even prettier than it has been in the past ^_^ Come see me speak at 8:00 pm on Nov 20, 2006 at the King’s Court English House, in the 1938 Lounge. If you need directions, it’s at 3465 Sansom Street in Philadelphia. Please RSVP through the Facebook event or some other means (leave a comment?) if you are not a UPenn student, so that I can put your name on a list of people who are allowed in. Otherwise you may be ejected by UPenn’s robot guardians, or perhaps devoured by a large three-headed dog.

You should especially come to this talk because UPenn’s free culture club is kind of short on members, which is odd given that most of the freshmen at UPenn supposedly read the book Free Culture as their freshman reading project. Help us get Penn Free Culture off the ground!


I have a job to do, namely finishing my final course work so that I can finish graduating from Swarthmore. This job has been dragging out far too long, partially due to mental and physical health issues that I’ve been working through, partially due to distractions such as the internet. It cannot drag on any longer. I am going to vanish from the face of the earth from now until I have finished the bulk of my work, so that I can dedicate 100% of my time to that. Please do not attempt to contact me. Hopefully I will return soon, ready to put in more time on old commitments and start up new projects.

P.S. If you’re wondering, my previous experiment with going offline was only partially successful, which is to say that it was a failure. I signed off IM and IRC, but I continued checking e-mail and blogs. This will be a more complete disappearance. My apologies.