Going offline for a week

I’m sure that some of your internet-addled friends on Livejournal have said something like this at one point or another, including me, but I need some time away from the internet and I’m taking it this week. Karen is off traveling Europe without her laptop, so I don’t feel the urge to sign on and talk to her, and maybe I can take this opportunity to practice not reading webcomics and obsessively checking my RSS feeds. It will also prevent me from doing things like working on the FreeCulture.org website, but I think the rest of the mailing lists that are down can wait to get back up until the weekend, unless someone else can get them up. Hopefully I can get some things done that don’t require the internet.

I may check my e-mail occasionally, but I probably won’t respond until sometime this weekend. If you have anything really important to say, call me. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause… it’s something I just really need to do.

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