Because the air outside will make / our cells divide at an alarming rate

Sarah in bed with her Powerbook
Sarah in bed with her Powerbook
Sarah is so chill… she’s getting all of her laptop work done without getting out of bed. I brought her breakfast in bed, you can see the OJ glass off to the side 🙂

As I may have mentioned, Sarah Brown is my hero for letting me stay in her apartment for the week… waking up here is wonderful, I love her decor. I think today we’re just going to stay inside, I’m going to work on reading through and proofreading the Public Knowledge website. She’s going to work on her law school application essays. Wish her luck! (Sarah said that she wants her name linked to the Public Knowledge mailing list signup page so that we can googlebomb it… I don’t know if that’s really the best place to find information about her, but you should definitely sign up now!)

For those who I haven’t already told, I’m doing my winter “externship” with Public Knowledge, a public interest advocacy group for free culture issues based in Washington DC. (An externship is like an internship, except it’s only for a week or so over winter break.) This was actually a “create-your-own-externship”, because I missed the deadline for officially applying for an externship through Swarthmore’s Career Services office, so I just IMed a few people and invented one independently. Fortunately, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to be on time and not procrastinate, so that won’t be a problem anymore ^_^ *knocks on wood* Even more fortunately, I’m planning to crash the official externship party in DC with Lisa, so I’m getting all the benefits without all of the paperwork! Circumventing red tape makes life better.

3 thoughts on “Because the air outside will make / our cells divide at an alarming rate

  1. I found a typo!
    “Public Knowledge filed the lawsuit on behalf of itself the American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries…”
    There ought to be a comma after itself, no?

  2. i’m working on getting myself an internship as well, if not this year then next winter break or summer, and i was wondering if you know what channels to go through to see about getting survival money from swarthmore for living expenses if my potential internship is unpaid…

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